September 3rd, 2017 - Brian Maguire

The thyroid gland plays a major role in regulating the rate and intensity of the body’s metabolism or energy production and monitors calcium levels in the blood. The pituitary gland acts like a thermostat regulator for the thyroid’s hormone burning furnace. The thyroid produces the hormones thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3), and calcitonin. The parathyroid glands regulate the amount of calcium as well as phosphorus present in the blood. They help maintain the body’s calcium levels that buffer the blood and keep you alive. The thyroid and parathyroid glands work together to regulate cell metabolism and maintain nervous and muscular system function.

Unfortunately, complications in these glands are quite common, as they are more sensitive to radiation like EMF radiation, environmental toxins, and acid waste accumulation. When the body becomes overly acidic from poor dietary and lifestyle choices, and alkaline reserves minerals necessary to maintain a pH balanced environment are depleted, the thyroid receptors throughout the body cannot bind T3 hormone, preventing them from performing their metabolic magic! If tissue and fluid pH become too acidic outside normal range, the thyroid will not obtain sufficient amounts of iodine, one of the most important minerals for proper thyroid functioning.

Additionally, when iodide levels are low, halogens like bromine (bromine has replaced iodine as a bleaching agent in breads and baked goods, & found in pesticides, flame retardants, plastics), fluorine-sodium fluoride (preservatives, fluoridated water, non-stick cookware, toothpaste, medications), and chloride (tap water, pools) compete for thyroid receptor sites, altering cell to cell communication, as well as creating thyroxin hormone imbalances.

A similar scenario happens with type 2 diabetes, as excessive acids provide a suitable environment for insulin resistance. High acid levels are linked to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

Since the thyroid is DIRECTLY linked to the adrenals, T3 production is further reduced from consistently high cortisol levels, leading to weight gain and potentially hypothyroidism. More specifically, irregular cortisol secretion releases more reverse T3, which is the inactive form T3 thyroid hormone. When this occurs, the inactive T3 hogs the receptor space of active T3 hormone, suppressing its activity. Actually, 95% of thyroid hormone that is manufactured is inactive T4, which needs to be converted to active T3 in the liver. Both T3 and T4 are bound to proteins in the blood until they bind to your cells to perform their functions. Altered pH levels & compromised liver function can prevent T4 from converting to active T3 in the liver, severely compromising metabolic action! Additionally, this conversion is also zinc and selenium dependent, requiring adequate stomach acid. The entire gastrointestinal tract must be pH balanced to absorb and assimilate these minerals.

At the same time, parathyroid complications compromise the stimulation, absorption, and conservation of calcium levels in the blood. Altered regulation and absorption of phosphate also throws off pH levels.


Plenty of research has linked high acidic levels to thyroid and parathyroid disruptions:

In 2000, European researchers monitored the thyroid hormone levels of newborns that experienced labor distress. It was found that newborns with high acidic levels had significantly lower T3 levels, and significantly higher levels of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). This equates to the thyroid not converting to the active form of the hormone. (1)

Acidosis decreases the presence of T3 and T4 in the body. In a 1997 study, the American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology reported that thyroid hormone secretion is damaged by chronic metabolic acidosis in humans. (2)

On the same note, researchers from the American Journal of Physiology–Legacy Content found that acidosis disrupts the parathyroid. They concluded that acidic pH levels augment the effect of parathyroid hormone (PTH), mobilizing calcium from bone and inhibiting its re-absorption in the kidneys. (3)

Another research article published in PubMed in 1992 found that metabolic acidosis depletes and limits the absorption of phosphate in the renal system. (4)

Additional problems can arise when the thyroid and parathyroid perform inadequately. For instance, the musculoskeletal and nervous systems can become over-stimulated, affecting collagen production of ALL connective tissue and slowing brain function. Behavioral and psychological disorders can materialize as well. In addition, bone demineralization can generate high circulating blood calcium levels, leading to kidney stones and osteoporosis. When these glands are disabled, the body’s tissues and fluids become even more acidic. As you see, acid/alkaline imbalances can lead to faulty functioning of the thyroid and parathyroid glands, leaving you vulnerable to premature aging and disease!

In today’s highly toxic world (coupled with the acidic diets and lifestyles many people are accustomed to), it’s no wonder that 27,000,000 people in the US and 200 million worldwide have a thyroid disorder, and of these 27 million people, about half are dangerously undiagnosed for thyroid imbalances!

Malfunctioning thyroids and parathyroids have also been linked to Hashimoto’s, thyroid disease, arthritis, heart attacks, diabetes, cancer, depression, overweight, fatigue, lowered libido, and other conditions. 

1- Gemer, O., Shenhav, S., Segal, S., & Tur-Kaspa, I. (2000). Thyroid hormone levels in cord blood of infants with acidemia at birth. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 93(1), 53-55.

2- Brungger, M., Hulter, H. N., & Krapf, R. (1997). Effect of chronic metabolic acidosis on thyroid hormone homeostasis in humans. American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology, 272(5), F648-F653

3- Beck, N. A. M. A., & Webster, S. K. (1976). Effects of acute metabolic acidosis on parathyroid hormone action and calcium mobilization. American Journal of Physiology–Legacy Content, 230(1), 127-131.

4- Krapf R, Vetsch R Vetsch, W Hulter HN. Chronic metabolic acidosis increases the serum concentration of 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D in humans by stimulating its production rate Critical

role of acidosis-induced renal hypophosphatemia. J Clin Invest 1992; 90:2456–63.