March 18th, 2017 - Brian Maguire

Cells are the fundamental units of life involved in all processes in the body. The body exists, thrives, and perishes at the cellular level. There are up to 75 trillion cells in the body. Different parts of your body have distinct purposes requiring various PH levels to get their job done. These ideal cellular pH ranges must be maintained to facilitate ideal cell function and thus radiant health!

Cells respirate or breathe just like you or me. They secrete metabolic waste, or byproducts of cellular metabolism in exchange for oxygen and other vital nutrients. All cellular processes that give a cell energy and functionality like walking, talking, breathing, digestion, organ activity, etc., all produce metabolic waste that is acidic by function. When this waste builds up, whether it be from physical or emotional stress, negatively perceived thoughts, environmental toxins, improper diet, sedentary lifestyles, lack of proper and regular cleansing practices, or all of the above in a lot of cases, cells and the environment surrounding them can become excessively acidic and inflamed. Red blood cells clump together decreasing oxygen availability throughout the body, lowering cellular energy. This situation disrupts the body’s overall delicate pH balance, allowing one to gradually succumb to fatigue and disease, most definitely resulting in premature death when disregarded.

pH expert Gary Tunsky believes that a healthy body is determined by the health of each of its single cells. All disease originates at the cellular level, not at the organ or system level. Healthy cells create healthy tissues, and healthy tissues create healthy organs like the heart and lungs. Healthy organs create healthy systems like the endocrine or immune systems, and healthy systems make up a healthy pH balanced body!

All organs and body systems work in unison on a cellular level. The cells of all organs and body systems need to communicate with one another to facilitate all bodily processes. One extremely important component of the cells that allows this communication to transpire is the cell membrane. This membrane which is made up mostly of fatty acids called phospholipids, basically protecting the cells themselves. 

The cell membrane acts like a security guard, allowing oxygen and nutrients to enter the cell, while keeping harmful substances out, by permitting the proper removal of metabolic waste from normal cell function. If the fluid outside the cells is saturated with acid waste from inflammatory free radical debris, environmental toxins, emotional stress, improper diet, and lack of exercise, then the cell membrane is limited in its job efficiency. Membrane walls then become tough and rigid as opposed to smooth and flexible. Consequently, cellular function and respiration are disrupted, depriving the cells of oxygen and nutrients, thus preventing metabolic waste from exiting cells properly. When the cell membrane is compromised the cells mitochondria and DNA are at risk.

The mitochondria are the energy furnaces of the cell, and when acidic, inflammatory, low oxygen conditions are present, there production is diminished and they can become damaged. The aerobic energy that normal healthy cells thrive on is manufactured in the mitochondria of the cell. There can be up to several thousand mitochondrial organelles in a cell depending on function. These mitochondrial energy burning furnaces use oxygen, sugar, fats, and many co-factors like ADP and a diverse array of cellular processes to produce energy, carbon dioxide, and ATP which is the currency of energy.

The main function of the mitochondria is the recycling of ADP back in to ATP, so that the ATP can be used again for energy. The conversion of ADP back to ATP is accomplished through various biochemical processes, which are all part of the Krebs or Citrus acid Cycle. This cycle needs oxygen for these furnaces to burn at full power or cellular energy slows down and fatigue sets in. This is what happens with CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) patients. One of the main problems with CFS is an inefficiency to convert ADP back to ATP.  Cells are overloaded with lactic acid and are functioning primarily through glucose fermenting, oxygen deprived, anaerobic glycolysis. If the cell lacks efficient recycling from ADP to ATP, symptoms of extreme fatigue, weakness, poor stamina, and pain can set in as the cell becomes depleted of energy.

Critical components like the cellular DNA are also vulnerable to damage. DNA holds the instructions of every bodily function. Your DNA is your unique distinctive code that separates you physically from the rest of humanity. This invaluable possession should be protected at all times. These days everyone’s DNA and gene expression is increasingly under attack from increasing adverse environmental factors.  Mostly due to improper diet and lifestyle practices and rapid aging in general, our DNA repair systems become inefficient at their job. Not to mention the tens of thousands of CHEMICALS we are exposed to on a daily basis, many of which are known to damage mitochondrial function! This can lead to premature cell death at the very least, which accelerates the body’s aging process, the opposite of what you’re looking to accomplish!

As this DNA or gene damage accumulates, mutations can develop, disrupting normal communication between the nucleus and the mitochondria, slowing the respiration of the cell. This can cause a cell to allow or disallow protein manufacturing, affecting how it grows and divides into new cells, as well as the cells ability to instigate normal cellular processes like apoptosis, or cell death. Some of these mutations can cause cells to grow out of control and malignant cancers can develop, especially in the more acidic conditions that these problematic cells thrive in. e accumulates and cells are not nourished properly. The hormones inability to latch on to cell receptor sites initiates a lack of, or improper cell signaling. Without cell to cell communication basic cellular activity like tissue repair and immunity will be hampered allowing disease to prosper.

Additionally, the life promoting hormones produced in the endocrine system are also disrupted when acidic waste.When cell communication is disturbed, cells cannot distinguish very well between friendly cells or invading toxins. This cellular static hinders fat loss, lowers energy levels, and allows disease to take a foothold. We see this in autoimmune diseases where the body attacks its own cells. So by eliminating the excess acidity and the toxins that increase it, we can promote a healthy cellular environment!

Let me give you an example:

If you see a sick-looking fish swimming in dirty water, what would you do? Do you get rid of the fish, or start by cleaning the water? After all, the fish is unhealthy because of the toxic, acidic environment it resides in. You don’t want to throw the baby out with the bath water! The logical choice is to purify the water and balance the pH where the fish swims to save it from dying. The same holds true for your own body. Your cells need to live in a clean non-toxic environment in order to maintain superior acid/alkaline balance and remain healthy and disease free.

The growing field of epigenetics explains how environmental toxic exposure, diet, thoughts, and behavioral influences can actually flip off tumor suppressive genes that protect you from cancer initiation. They can also turn on the genes that keep you protected from cancer and other diseases. Genes rarely determine your destiny. Genes are merely a blueprint, while mindset and environmental factors determine their expression! 

When our cells receive proper instructions, and acquire sufficient energy to carry them out, they have the resources to help keep us vigorous and youthful, both inside and out!