Genuine WHOLE FOOD supplements are made from concentrated whole foods that are NOT in isolated form.
Vitamins and nutrients in this complex structure contain natural chemically related compounds that come from food. They all work together synergistically, allowing the vitamin complex to do its job properly and safely. Although whole food isolates are better than synthetic sources, of course, they are still inferior.
They include compounds necessary for the whole food nutrients to do their job like cofactors (necessary for enzyme activity), enzymes and co-enzymes (acting as catalysts for every biochemical reaction in the body), trace minerals (required in small amounts needed for normal growth), activators (that convert them into useable form), anti-oxidants (inhibit oxidation and excess free radicals that cause the body to age more rapidly), and phytonutrients (biologically active compounds found in plants that act as very powerful anti-oxidants).
Consequently, the whole food nutrients, along with all the precious micronutrients are easily absorbed in exactly the form the body needs them to be. So, you can undoubtedly say that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts in this case!
Unlike synthetic substances (or isolates), the body knows exactly how much of the nutrient is needed and allows the rest to pass through the system, a process known as “selective absorption.” This prevents the body from accumulating too much of a nutrient. However, inferior synthetic forms can build up in the system and create imbalances, some being severe.
The processing of whole food supplements is much different than that of synthetic and isolated supplements. It excludes the use of pressure, heat, or any toxic solvents. Real authentic whole food vitamins are made using fresh, raw food ingredients that are prepared as food extracts, with no artificial chemicals or sugar coating.
Whole food vitamins are complete and do not need to rob the body of precious much-needed nutrients to complete the metabolic processes, as in the case of synthetic vitamins or isolates. Quality supplements contain powerful antioxidants that help eliminate excess free radicals or oxidation incurred through normal metabolic processes and toxins encountered daily from the food, water, and air you breathe.
SYNTHETIC supplements contain chemicals created by scientists in laboratories intended to mimic the molecular structure of nutrients found in food. They are isolated substances, oftentimes not derived from real foods at all. Besides being foreign, synthetic vitamins are missing vital micronutrients and other compounds, transporters, and co-factors. This forces the body to match the synthetic pseudo nutrient with whatever it can find internally to make it somewhat complete and of use.
The body may also handle these phonies in pretty much the same manner that it handles toxins and other foreign chemicals, especially since they can’t function efficiently without the support of the nutrients found in whole foods.
Moreover, the majority of ingredients found in synthetic supplements are manufactured in places like China that lack quality control standards. They can contain fillers, binders, additives, genetically-modified and other potentially toxic ingredients. As a result, metabolizing these unrecognized synthetic nutrients can lead to overdoses or imbalances in the body, and at the very least may not even do the job they were intended to.
DID YOU KNOW: A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine where 22,000 pregnant women were given synthetic Vitamin A was expired when birth defects increased by 400%! (1)
Disturbingly, these non-whole food, man-made vitamins can come from contaminated sources and carry with them many negative side effects. Dr. Richard Schulze, who implemented natural healing with his patients and created his own whole food multivitamin, made this statement:
The vitamin B-12, cyanocobalamin sold on the market, is derived from either ground up toxic cow livers or activated sewage sludge. These cow livers are overloaded with steroids and antibiotics, and the pesticides the cow assimilates while eating…Vitamin A, from fish liver juices, is loaded with toxic PCBs and mercury, B vitamins from coal tar and petrol chemicals are known as central nervous system depressants, and contain respiratory irritants and carcinogens. Ascorbic Acid that is claimed to be Vitamin C is not only irritating to the lining of the digestive tract but contains only a small fragment of whole food vitamin C. Vitamin D is made from radiated oil and Vitamin E from highly processed GMO soybean oil. These synthetic vitamins and minerals add to the body’s toxic burden and can also be damaging to DNA over time, initiating a disease response.
Synthetic form fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, and E, especially in “dl” form like vitamin E dl-alpha-tocopherol, can be especially problematic and toxic as they can build up in your fatty tissues and should be AVOIDED!
DID YOU KNOW: synthetic vitamins are received by the body like drugs, and like all drugs are known to disrupt normal metabolic functions often with devastating side effects!
There is real scientific proof to exemplify the grave differences between synthetic and whole food-based supplementation. Undoubtedly, it has been shown that synthetically derived nutrients are of inferior quality.
One simple test that can be done involves submerging a vitamin inside a glass of water. The ingredients in whole food supplements will disintegrate by themselves in a relatively short amount of time. However, the contents in synthetic supplements remain in the water and take numerous hours to even PARTIALLY disintegrate.
Additionally, it has been demonstrated that polarized light acts differently in accordance with its vitamin source. When polarized, light is directed through whole food vitamins it causes the light beam to bend toward the right due to its molecular rotation. Conversely, when the light is put through synthetic vitamins, the beam splits in half. Half of the light bends right and the other half bends left. This shows the difference between the two kinds of supplements, proving that synthetic vitamins ONLY give maximally 50% of the biological activity compared to whole food vitamins!
As you see, synthetic and isolated supplements are far from an advantageous addition to your health regimen. You must realize that all the amino acids, vitamins like E and C, as well as minerals, trace minerals, and phytonutrients all come in closely tied families so the body can recognize, utilize and absorb them properly. Isolated nutrients cannot complete this task without robbing Peter to pay Paul, and totally synthetic vitamins made up completely in a laboratory setting are far worse!
This becomes evident when you take synthetic B vitamins for instance and witness the excessively yellow color urine in the toilet. This is actually your body’s attempt to get rid of the foreign chemicals introduced. You don’t see fluorescent yellow urine after you consume high vitamin B liver or seeds, do you? Synthetic vitamins can be dangerous and the body treats them as toxic substances, period.
Keep in mind that duplicating what Mother Earth created is not possible!
1- N. Eng. J. Med. 1995; 333: 1369-1373