Visualization, or guided imagery, is a form of meditation that requires you to imagine something in the most real way possible. The practice originated from the Hindu Monistic theory of the Universe, where imagination is used to visualize specific events transpiring in one’s life. When using visualization for relaxation and peace of mind, it involves imagining a place of tranquility and peace, where you let go of all tension and negative emotions – “your happy place”. This could be a lake, beach, waterfall, park, or wherever your heart desires to be at that moment.
Creative visualization seeks to influence your outer world by changing your thoughts and expectations. This Positive Psychology or New Thought movement of the 19th century is used as a way to realize one’s goals. This technique is also used by athletes to enhance their performance and entrepreneurs to manifest every step of their creation.
Basically, you exercise the power of imagination to make your dreams and goals come to fruition. All that daydreaming you did while you were supposed to be paying attention in class may actually hold some value! When you envision with no uncertainty a particular object like a new house, a dream job or invention, or life partner, you attract that object, person, or position into your life. This must coincide with conscious action of course. Nothing will just fall in your lap with no effort. When practicing visualization, you should employ your visual sense, as well as your sense of taste, touch, smell, and sound. While imagining, you should think about your surroundings, concentrating on what you see, hear, feel, and smell as if it were happening in the present moment.
So, you may be thinking, how come many people become materially successful with or without implementing these techniques? Whether acting consciously or unconsciously, very successful people are extremely passionate and dedicated to what they do, executing a similar approach to captivate prosperity into their lives. However, there are notable differences in perception and intention.
The dreams and goals of a consciously awakened individual are viewed in such a way that it is a “done deal” so to speak. With certainty, they know that the Universe has their back and the resources will be provided to fulfill their destiny. In other words, their desires are accomplished in the mind before they even happen. In addition, their primary intention is to make this world a better place to live as a result of their efforts.
The unconscious, attached person may have the desire to succeed bleeding out of their pores, but that may come along with tremendous stress as they are not certain of the outcome. They just know that they will work as hard as they need to get the job done and hope they will save face. They often feel as though it is their effort alone that is producing the result without any Universal support, making the task much more difficult to accomplish. Spiritual minded and ego driven individuals can experience the same material success, but their perception and intention can differ greatly.
When the ego generated person acquires these material possessions, worldly power, and high ranked social status, they are most often never satisfied with what they have, continue to desire more, and feel like they never have enough. The ego centered person is attached to their possessions, their self-image, and power (which in their perception defines who they are). Feelings of emptiness, loneliness, anxiety, incompleteness, and lack often accompany this path.
The ego path centers on temporal pleasures of an impermanent nature which ultimately vanish. If you are a top model or body builder, eventually you will age. If you are the CEO of a fortune 500 company, eventually you will have to turn over the reins to someone else. Even if you have billions, eventually your money will be of little or no use whatsoever.
The spiritually conscious individual will also prioritize health as their most valuable earthly asset. With the increasing crisis of chronic illness in the US, almost 50% of Americans will develop at least 1 chronic disease (considered incurable by conventional medicine) and 2 million a year will die prematurely as a result. Therefore, physical health is of far more value than money. When quality of life is threatened by illness, money cannot be enjoyed and its value decreases exponentially. On their deathbed, the wealthiest corporate executive on earth with terminal cancer would surely trade places with a poor healthy janitor!
On the other hand, the consciously focused awakened individual that applies these same principles to acquire the same material possessions and social status, are grateful, positive, truly fearless, and spiritually empowered individuals. They feel fully satisfied with what they have in life with genuine gratitude. Even though they may ‘want’ as opposed to ‘need’ more in their lives, they are content in the present moment.
The spiritual individual is confident and secure in knowing they are living out their life’s purpose. Spiritually conscious individuals are not attached to externals, they feel complete and whole, full of abundance, not lack. They recognize that true wealth is found within, followed by physical health, and do not define themselves through external factors. Even though similar tactics may be enacted by both parties, their life perception and the way they feel, is completely different!
- Promotes relaxation and decreases stress.
- Intensifies one’s ability to focus and concentrate.
- Increases production of alpha waves, reduces negative emotions, and strengthens your immune system.
- Allows you to identify with your true always perfect creative self, directing your goals faster.
- Maximizes performance in all aspects of your life.
- Find a relaxed setting, sit or lie down, and close your eyes.
- Let go of all worries and imagine the most peaceful place you can be. ex. beach, lake, forest, or a favorite spot. You can also picture yourself in your safe happy place deep within your soul, where everything is blissful and perfect.
- Picture it as vividly as possible, integrating some or all of your senses in detail.
- Think about the actions that you are taking (walking slowly or sitting down) in your vision, the sounds and smells that surround you, and the sensations and feelings experienced.
- Take pleasure in the feelings of inner peace throughout your exploration.
- Don’t worry if you lose track of your inner picture, or if you start yawning, or feeling stiff or tired. This is normal. Just let go, and return to your happy place.
- When you are ready to come out of the meditative state, open your eyes gently and take a deep breath.
- Visualization can be enhanced by listening to soothing music or sounds from nature (river flow, ocean waves, rain drops, etc.) Guided meditations are also available (to make it easier to focus and concentrate).