In today’s busy world, there seems to be a great deal more multitasking going on, and thus more pressure to accomplish these tasks by the end of each day. Whether it’s responding to e-mails or texts, Facebook, reading another chapter of a book, surfing the web, or just catching up on a TV show, staying up past your bedtime robs you of much needed sleep. Consequently, the following day you are left feeling exhausted. Sound familiar?
These feelings of exhaustion and lethargy spark the need for a pick me up. What do MOST of us reach for? That’s right, a big cup of java! An addictive cycle starts: the first cup begins to wear off, then comes the second cup and then maybe another one in mid-afternoon to get you through the rest of the day. This basically sets your body up for an all day merry-go-round ride of highs and lows. Besides the high acidity from the excessive amounts of aflatoxin (mold excretion), pesticide laden coffee sends pH levels into an ACID INDUCED frenzy and can potentially cause tremendous damage to the adrenal glands, a precious part of the endocrine system.
DID YOU KNOW: You have to drink more than a liter of water to balance pH levels after a cup of coffee!
The adrenal glands are primarily known for the production of the stress hormones cortisol, adrenaline, and norepinephrine. These stress hormones become active when you are involved in strenuous activities, when you need to be on high alert, or when faced with a potentially dangerous or life-threatening situation. Also referred to as “flight or fight” mode, these hormones provide you with the strength, energy, and alertness to effectively deal with emergencies, as well as the many stressors faced on a daily basis.
The adrenal glands are also responsible for a great deal of other hormones that significantly affect the function of tissues and organs in the body. They produce anti-aging hormone DHEA (didehydroepiandrosterone or androstenolone), as well as part of the reproductive hormones: estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Growth hormone is also produced during deep sleep and plays a big role in helping to keep you looking and feeling younger. Aldosterone is yet another adrenal hormone, and it plays a significant role in the regulation of sodium and potassium levels (electrolytes) in the body, helping to keep pH levels in check.
Normal production of these stress hormones is required, but problems occur when the body is constantly in this ‘flight or fight’ state, leading to the overproduction of cortisol and adrenaline. Excessive intake of caffeine, in addition to unmanaged stress, can shift the body into a constant mode of survival! So essentially you are ‘running on adrenaline’ which promotes acidity and inflammation. When this often-times ill-perceived state of panic continues for extended periods of time, these essential hormones eventually become depleted.
In the case of excess caffeine there is no real threat of danger of course, however the body SEES it as an emergency, and is needlessly put into a continual chronic state of stress. This all too common scenario weakens the immune system, leads to restless sleep from depleted melatonin levels, exhaustion from broken sleep cycles, kidney issues, anxiety, depression, brain fog, lowered libido and sense of well-being, as well as low blood sugar and insulin resistance. Hypothyroidism can also develop as the adrenals and thyroid are intimately connected, playing a significant role in regulating metabolism in the body. Yes, that means you are MORE likely to stack on the pounds!
After the caffeine wears off, the stress hormones subside and you are left feeling tired, hungry, and moody. So, what do the majority of people do to stay energized and focused? Most reach for another cup of coffee and/or a sugary snack!
This vicious cycle puts excessive wear and tear on the adrenal glands. This vicious cycle of sleep deprivation and running on adrenaline from excessive caffeine intake to get you through the day will eventually break down the body system. Over time this situation can lead to adrenal fatigue syndrome or exhaustion, creating a hormonal nightmare, and leaving you unable to cope with stress of any kind, as well as systemic inflammation which can lead to a crap shoot of chronic conditions!