There are a few situations where an individual can become more acidic and inflamed EVEN after fruit consumption, which would be considered a superior food choice under normal circumstances. Refined white sugar which is half fructose (fruit sugar) and processed fructose corn syrup are the worst culprits because they lack the fiber which slows absorption into the bloodstream.
For pre or uncontrolled diabetics (which accounts for a high percentage of Americans, considering half of the US is diabetic or pre-diabetic), even fruit, in some cases, can be acid forming and inflammatory. When cells are insulin resistant and/or lacking insulin, sugar and/or insulin can stagnate in the bloodstream, making even normally alkaline forming fruit more acid forming. Lactic and sometimes uric acid (which acts as an antioxidant under normal conditions when in balance) can be a byproduct or accumulate from excessive fructose metabolism. High fructose fruit and juices, and fruits with a high glycemic load, especially in larger quantities, can be problematic.
For these metabolically challenged individuals, the combination of acid forming high blood sugar/insulin, and the potential lactic or uric acid residue from the fructose, can override the otherwise normal alkalizing benefit from the weak acids and alkaline minerals in most fruits. The individuals that fall into this category are usually highly acidic to begin with from years of following a processed food diet and a conventional (often sedentary) lifestyle. When the acid cup is already full, the blood will continue to force acids into the tissues, causing fatigue, pain, insulin resistance, hypertension, degeneration, and other progressive symptoms.
Although fructose from fruits can also pose an issue for some, having a piece of fibrous fruit is not the main concern. On the other hand, concentrated fiberless juices and larger quantities of high fructose fruit could certainly pose a potential issue, especially for someone who is already very acidic and metabolically compromised. Even far worse would be consuming products containing high fructose corn syrup (HFCS).
DID YOU KNOW) Highly processed, acid forming, mostly GMO, High Fructose Corn Syrup is added to as much as 90% of all processed foods!
In fact, this one substance alone has been implicated in the diabesity (diabetes-obesity) epidemic paralyzing modernized Western nations today, especially the US. Needless to say, AVOID HFCS whenever possible.
One study suggests that countries with higher availability of HFCS have a higher prevalence of type 2 diabetes even independent of obesity! (1)
Fructose also promotes visceral fat accumulation. Visceral fat is the most harmful type of body fat because it surrounds your organs and linked to conditions like diabetes and heart disease. (2)
Concentrated fruit juices and high sugar fruits should also be AVOIDED until metabolic issues are corrected. Under normal circumstances its best to consume whole fruit with the fiber or smaller quantities of juice within your energy requirements.
It is always wise to have blood sugar levels tested to determine if you are pre-diabetic to prevent, limit, and reverse any damage that may have been done, through diet and lifestyle changes. It’s MUCH harder to reverse diabetes than it is to prevent it!
Fruit sugar can also be problematic for someone that has chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, obesity, or cancer. Or for those in a pre-diseased state-low in oxygen, highly acidic, and inflamed, with low mitochondrial function. When cellular metabolism is sluggish or not functioning optimally, oxygen is not as available to enter the Krebs cycle (link to Krebs) for normal aerobic metabolism. Instead of glucose being burned in the mitochondria with oxygen, the glucose is fermented due to insufficient oxygen, and lactic acid is the byproduct. This is a very inefficient, disease promoting metabolism. This anaerobic lactic acid producing metabolic function is normal when working your muscles, like when doing a resistance training workout at the gym, lifting something, or even getting up from a chair. However, under normal circumstances, once the body reaches its lactic acid threshold, the lactic acid would then be discarded, filtered, or recycled by the liver for energy, then returning to aerobic function. When the body remains in that inefficient energy producing state of anaerobic glycolysis, acids can build up in the tissues very quickly. At this point, even a small amount of uric or lactic acid from excessive fructose metabolism can add to the already acidic-inflamed condition.
Consuming fruits in moderation, especially low sugar, low fructose fruits like lemons, limes, and berries, would be more beneficial for these individuals in most cases, helping to balance the acidic, inflammatory, low oxygen environment, whereas excessive high fructose fruits, especially HFCS, can surely worsen the situation.
Fruit sugar can be especially problematic for those with candida or yeast overgrowth, which is even more common in those who have digestive disorders or autoimmune conditions. Candida bacteria is a normal part of a healthy functioning gut, but when pH levels are off. This candida can turn fungal and pathogenic. This fungus loves to feed on sugar of any kind. Although fruits can be part of an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant-rich diet, they need to be temporarily cut out of the diet for the most part, until the fungal or yeast issue is resolved.
FRUCTOSE AND FRUCTANS MALABSORPTION is also an issue for some, especially those individuals that already have digestive disorders, leading to increased acidity/inflammation -link Fructose/Fructan article
In addition to certain conditions where fruit sugar can be at least temporarily problematic, some people do not metabolize or tolerate the weak acids in fruits and vinegar very well either. For most people, the weak acids in fruits and vinegars have an overall alkalizing effect on the body, but for some, they will have a more acidic effect until the issue is corrected. Fatigue and pain following the consumption of weak acid foods are signs of damage, sensitivities, imbalances, deficiencies, or allergies.
AN ULCER may very well be the reason some people can’t tolerate weak acids. Not surprisingly, if you put acid on a sore it will likely burn and aggravate the open wound. If you are the type to reach for an antacid after consuming fruit or vinegar to relieve the burning pain, then you know exactly what I’m referring to. Be aware, H pylori bacterial infection may be the cause of the ulcer and sometimes needs to be treated with antibiotics if natural treatments fail. Besides eating a clean diet, temporarily free from weak acids, cabbage juice can be very helpful in healing an ulcer.
Another reason not commonly addressed is THE MALFUNCTIONING OF THE KREBS OR CITRIC ACID CYCLE FROM B-VITAMIN DEFICIENCY AND LACK OF COENZYME-A PRODUCTION. For most people the addition of dietary citric or acetic acid ignites the citric acid cycle as long as oxygen and other co-factors are present, being that citrate and acetate are substrates of this aerobic life enhancing cycle. When any of these co-factors are missing it breaks the chain in the cycle and problems result. Some people lack the pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) and perhaps the amino acid cysteine necessary for this cycle to convert pyruvate into coenzyme A for normal aerobic mitochondrial functioning. So, for these individuals, dietary weak acids like acetic and citric acids can increase body acids, instead of producing normal alkalizing byproducts like when this cycle is functioning correctly.
When cells get stuck in a state of anaerobic glycolysis it causes a buildup of lactic acid and acetaldehyde, producing adverse symptoms (fatigue, pain, etc.). The conversion of pyruvate, which is a metabolite of glucose, to critical acetyl coenzyme A, which is the first step in the Krebs cycle for aerobic energy metabolism, must have B-5, and continued metabolism requires biotin, B-2 and B-3. If any of these cofactors or other assisting nutrients are lacking the citric acid cycle can malfunction resulting in the buildup of Krebs cycle intermediary acids, and excessive production of lactic acid, decreasing cellular mitochondrial energy production. Many people experience gut dysbiosis and do no manufacture B vitamins, have limited absorption from food sources, and don’t take a quality multivitamin.
Of all the different metabolic enzymes that are recognized as vital for maintaining one’s health, Coenzyme A is among the most essential. Coenzyme A is the most active Enzyme in the body. This enzyme is responsible for more than 100 important processes in the body. Coenzyme A is similar to Coenzyme-Q10 and NADH, since they are all vital metabolic enzymes that are responsible for energy production. Coenzyme A is the catalyst that initiates all the other enzymes, so if there is not enough Coenzyme A in the body, the body will fail to utilize Coenzyme Q10 and NADH.
So, by making sure you are taking enough vitamin B5 you will be able to make the acetyl coenzyme A necessary for optimal mitochondrial aerobic functioning of the Krebs cycle. Vitamin B-12 and B9, better known as folate are also very important for this cycle to be successful. Many people are deficient in B-12 due to digestibility and assimilation issues. Folate is also an issue because is lacking in the diet and most people take multi-vitamins that contain synthetic folic acid as opposed to folate. Lack of folate can also affect the amino cysteine responsible for glutathione (master antioxidant) production. Genetic mutations like MTHFR can also be at the root of the issue, in which case methylfolate and methylcobalamin may need to be supplemented in various proportions.
Keep in mind that stress and intense exercise can deplete b-vitamins rapidly, so a high-quality multivitamin is recommended even if you do not have any specific disorder. You can now see why B-vitamins are a critical component of the energy producing Krebs Cycle. Some also claim that the addition of N-Acetyl-L-cysteine does the trick or consuming a high-quality whey (if not sensitive) that produces cysteine, to assure adequate production of glutathione and metabolize weak acids.
METHYLMALONIC ACIDEMIA can be caused by mutations or errors in several genes. About half of the patients with methylmalonic acidemia have mutations in the MUT gene. This gene initiates instructions for making the enzyme methylmalonyl CoA mutase, which is in charge of one of the steps in the breakdown of several amino acids, certain lipids, and cholesterol. Mutations in the MUT gene reduce the quantity of this enzyme leading to improper metabolism of the for mentioned macronutrients. This leads to the excessive buildup of methylmalonyl-CoA and other potentially toxic acidic compounds leading to methylmalonic acidemia. Vitamin B12 deficiency can also cause methylmalonic acid to build up in the body. Vitamin B12 is dependent on the enzyme Methylmalonyl-CoA mutase responsible for converting methylmalonyl-CoA to succinyl-CoA, needed for the Krebs cycle to function.
Some people may develop a CITRUS ACID ALLERGY which can cause an autoimmune type reaction. This may be caused by the immune system producing anti-bodies to Aspergillus niger (A. niger), which is a type of fungus that is used in the commercial production of citric acid as well as sulfites which may not be totally filtered out during the production process. This can then cause an adverse reaction to citrus fruits as well as commercial citric acid, being that the immune system can’t recognize the difference. These reactions can, therefore, increase inflammation and acidity.
Citrus allergy has also been connected to orange, mandarin and grapefruit but unrelated to citric acid. In this case, immune reactions to lipid transfer proteins, profilin, and pectin have been associated with citrus allergy. Lipid transfer proteins are found in many plants, similar in structure to seed storage proteins and trypsin-alpha amylase inhibitors, and found to cross react to many foods. Profilins are also found in pollen which may explain common allergies to airborne pollen, which paradoxically can be corrected by consuming and gradually building a tolerance to the pollen. A similar approach may work for citrus allergies if profilins are at the root of the issue.
It is very possible to rebalance the immune system in many cases, so it doesn’t overreact to these otherwise harmless substances. Doing a deep cleanse, balancing pH levels, taking immune modulating herbs and probiotics, and staying away from these food items for some time can allow the immune system to re-educate itself, allowing for eventual consumption of these foods. It would be best to work with a holistic practitioner or qualified nutritionist to assure success in clearing this or any allergies.
Besides citric acid allergies, B-vitamin and folate deficiencies, and gene mutations, it may only be necessary for hyper-sensitive individuals to remove weak acids from the diet temporarily until pH is in balance and metabolic issues are corrected. People with ulcers may also fall into this category. Limiting or removing weak acid and uric acid producing foods like fresh fruits, whey, vinegars, and even highly beneficial lacto-fermented vegetables temporarily may be necessary until corrected.
Acidic juices can be neutralized with alkali such as a pinch of baking soda prior to consumption until the stomach acid issue is resolved. DO NOT consume baking soda following a meal, it will hinder digestion. If the issue is not that serious, and there is only a slight sensitivity, it may only be necessary to balance out normally alkalizing weak acid foods, with more alkaline forming vegetables and greens in the same meal. Also, limiting the quantity of weak acid foods in any given meal is also recommended. Once again, most individuals can enjoy the alkalizing benefits of weak acid foods, but for the ones who don’t, it just make take some work to balance pH levels, tweak the metabolism, and re-educate the immune system to enjoy these foods again.
If you are one of the people who have issues with fruit acids and vinegars and nothing else is working, these suggestions may help to vastly improve your metabolism of fruit acids and vinegar, which are not only delicious but extremely healthy and alkalizing when the citric acid cycle and over-all metabolism are functioning optimally!
1- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23181629
2- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15983189