Pharmaceuticals are drugs, or “foreign chemicals” specifically designed to manipulate your body systems with the intention of dealing with ONLY the symptoms associated with a specific disease or condition. Treating the symptoms will NEVER cure anyone of anything! In general, synthetic drugs are acid forming, and inherently toxic to the human body, ALWAYS producing negative side effects of some kind. Then the doctor will often recommend that you remain on the drug for life, frequently leading to additional symptoms requiring even more toxic medications! Premature death is inevitable, and sudden death is a statistical possibility when we follow this precarious path.
Conventional medicine is not designed to address the root cause of ANY condition and knows little to nothing about disease prevention. Allopathic doctors are trained to MANAGE disease at best with harmful medications that perpetuate repeat customers, otherwise, the drug companies would be out of business and the doctors would have NO jobs!
Diseases like type 2 diabetes, cancer, heart and kidney disease, fatty liver, all forms of dementia, digestive conditions like IBS, arthritis, fibromyalgia, autoimmune, and many more are skyrocketing! 12% of the US population has 5 or more chronic conditions, 28% has 3 or more, and 59% have 1 or more conditions. There are over 4 BILLION prescription drugs filled in US pharmacies annually, and over the counter (OTC) drug retail sales exceeded 34 billion dollars in 2017!
According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, the U.S. holds five percent of the world’s population, but takes 75 percent of the world’s prescription drugs! Many older adults are taking over 12 different medications, many of which are just addressing the symptoms of the diseases they were prescribed before. We are the most heavily medicated sickest industrialized nation on the planet, so it’s very safe to say that pharmaceutical drugs are not in any way promoting health, but instead INCREASING disease rates!
DID YOU KNOW: By 2015, U.S. spending on pharmaceuticals exceeded $1,000 per person and was 30- 190 percent higher than in nine other high-income countries!
Anytime foreign substances are ingested or injected into the system, the body sees them as invaders and will try very hard to eliminate them or store them in fat cells and even organ tissues. Toxic pharmaceutical drugs, whether prescription or OTC can produce a lot of additional symptoms and side effects; some extremely damaging to various organ systems like the intestines, and even deadly, dependent on age, previous condition, quantity, and type of drug.
Any drug taken into the body will be processed in the KIDNEYS as they filter the blood. The kidneys are responsible for many metabolic processes besides removing waste. Older patients that have cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and take multiple medications are at much higher risk for kidney damage. (1) Its estimated that 20% of acute kidney failure cases are due to medications. (2) Medications that can damage the kidneys are called “nephrotoxic medications.” Some carry a much higher risk than other drugs like, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory’s, Vancomycin & Aminoglycoside-antibiotics, diuretics-for blood pressure, Iodinated Radiocontrast, ACE Inhibitors-for blood pressure, Jardiance-diabetes meds, Zoledronate-osteoporosis meds, and Foscarnet-antiviral meds and can cause direct toxicity to the kidneys, having been involved in up to 25% of acute kidney injuries!
Long term use of ASPIRIN is one of the leading causes of kidney disease and is recommended by doctors as a blood thinner & for arthritis pain. Yikes!
Besides packaging up and storing various nutrients, the LIVER has the arduous job of filtering and metabolizing toxic substances like prescription and OTC drugs. Most of these toxins are fat soluble and need to be converted into water soluble form to be excreted through the urine or through the bile. Not everyone has the same ability to metabolize drugs. Many people lack adequate nutrients for the liver to filter toxins efficiently. Also, the liver may accumulate fat from poor diet and lifestyle choices and a high toxic load, becoming sluggish, allowing additional toxins from synthetic drugs to build up rapidly. Acidic viscous bile will not able to eliminate waste efficiently, or process fats. The liver will then be much more vulnerable to inflammation and degeneration which then puts much more stress on the kidneys as waste backs up in the bloodstream. If the kidneys fail there is dialysis, but if the liver fails you can DIE!
Besides increased risk factors based on an individual’s ability to metabolize toxic waste, there are a number of drugs that have a much greater potential to cause liver damage, like Acetaminophen (Tylenol)- 37% of liver failure cases are due to acetaminophen! Amoxicillin/clavulanate (Augmentin)-antibiotics, NSAIDS-Diclofenac (Voltaren, Cambia), Amiodarone (Cordarone, Pacerone)-heart meds, Allopurinol (Zyloprim)- for gout, ALL Seizure Medications, Azathioprine (Imuran)-used for Crohn’s disease and autoimmune hepatitis, Methotrexate-used for rheumatoid arthritis and ectopic pregnancy, and Risperidone (Risperdal) and quetiapine (Seroquel)- used as antipsychotics and antidepressants, are all in the HIGH-RISK group for liver damage.
Chemical drugs can place a great deal of stress on your DIGESTIVE SYSTEM where a good 70% of your immune system resides! They often destroy beneficial bacteria, disrupting the delicate pH balance of the microbiome and inflame the lining of the intestines, causing painful digestive conditions, interfering with proper nutrient absorption, and potentially leaking undigested food and toxins into the bloodstream leading to chronic inflammatory conditions like autoimmune diseases, cancer, and all forms of dementia. Gut inflammation and dysbiosis limits nutrient absorption and bioavailability leaving your cells starving for nutrition, slowing down cellular metabolism and disrupting the critical pH balance of your intestines as well as the rest of the body. In this cell starved low energy state, the body is more vulnerable to chronic diseases like cancer. The pharmaceutical drugs that you believe to be helpful and safe to treat these mostly PREVENTABLE diseases are really DESTROYING and aging the body slowly, potentially leading to hospitalization and early death!
Decreased liver and kidney function in OLDER INDIVIDUALS result in many drugs accumulating in SERIOUSLY HIGH LEVELS and for longer times in comparison to younger people:
Older people are less able to tolerate extremely high or low temperatures. Younger individuals are better able to sweat and dilate blood vessels to eliminate excess heat when it is too hot, as well as constrict blood vessels to maintain heat in the body when it’s too cold. Unbeknownst to them, the use of prescription and OTC drugs increases the risk of adult deaths during heat waves and prolonged cold temperatures!
Being that older adults use far more prescription and over the counter drugs than younger adults, they GREATLY increase the likelihood for adverse drug reactions and interactions. One drug can cause another drug to accumulate in the body at dangerous levels.
Also, as you get older it becomes harder to maintain normal blood pressure, especially with poor diet and lifestyle habits and a weak digestive system. The use of sleeping pills, tranquilizers, antidepressants, antipsychotic drugs, antihistamines, and ironically blood pressure medications themselves can further weaken the ability to maintain normal blood pressure, actually INCREASING the risk of heart attack or stroke!
Adverse drug reactions are the 4th LEADING cause of DEATH in the US! About 128,000 people die annually from taking prescription drugs AS PRESCRIBED, ranking 4th with stroke as the leading cause of death in US! This doesn’t even include prescribing errors, overdoses, and self-medicating. The European Commission estimates that adverse reactions from prescription drugs cause 200,000 deaths; which totals 328,000 patients in the U.S. and Europe DYING from prescription drugs EVERY year! The FDA does not acknowledge these facts and instead gathers a small fraction of the cases. (3)
Per US National Poison Data System reports, close to 500,000 Americans died in 2015 from prescription drug use (and many deaths go unreported), compared to ZERO deaths recorded for vitamins, minerals or nutritional supplements! Clinical Toxicology, 2016; 54: 924-1109
In a 2014 study ‘Our prescription drugs kill us in large numbers’, authors concluded that prescription drugs are the THIRD LEADING cause of DEATH after heart disease and cancer in Europe and the US! “Major reasons for the many drug deaths are impotent drug regulation, widespread crime that includes corruption of the scientific evidence about drugs and bribery of doctors, and lies in drug marketing, which is as harmful as tobacco marketing and, therefore, should be banned.” (4)
As far as our PRECIOUS CHILDREN go, a review was done of all studies having to do with the reasons for pediatric hospitalization, which represents all children under the age of 19. It was found that 2.09% of all pediatric hospitalizations were caused by adverse drug reactions and that 39% of these were life-threatening. There were 3.8 million children under the age of 19 hospitalized in the United States in 1997. This calculates to 79,000 children annually (2.09% x 3.8 million children) being admitted to the hospital because of adverse drug reactions, with 31,000 of these children having life-threatening adverse reactions! (5)
The more prescriptions being filled by adults, the higher the incidence of accidental medicine exposure and poisonings. The number of children winding up in emergency rooms for drug overdoses more than doubled from 1997 to 2012!
For opioid ingestions alone researchers found that between 2004 and 2015 from 31 hospitals across 27 states there were 3,647 opioid-related hospitalizations of which nearly 43 percent of those required care from a pediatric intensive care unit, and 116 deaths! (6)
Two thousand cases of liver failure occur each year in the United States and 50% of them are due to medications! (7)
Research shows 90-95% of Reye’s Syndrome cases were triggered by taking ASPIRIN. Reye’s destroys internal organs, especially the brain and liver, with at least 10% dying from the disease, even when diagnosed early. (8)
ASPIRIN, the Allopathic “harmless” go-to drug for thinning blood, increases the risk of major stomach or brain bleeding by 55 percent! Journal of the American Medical Association claims, of the more than 186,000 participants taking a daily dose of aspirin (300 milligrams or less), researchers counted nearly 2,300 cases of gastrointestinal bleeding and nearly 1,300 cases of brain bleeding. Do doctors even read these studies?!?! (9)
DID YOU KNOW: 5000 people die a year from ASTHMA, and 4000 of those DIE from the MEDICATION used to treat it!! (10) This is a disease that can be treated naturally with many recovering 100% of the time!!
Professor Harumi Okuyama, whose team studied a series of more than 20 major research papers on the drugs, claims STATIN DRUGS could cause heart disease! Dr. Okuyama stated: “We have collected a wealth of information on cholesterol and statins from many published papers and find OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE that these drugs accelerate hardening of the arteries and can cause, or worsen, heart failure. I cannot find any evidence to support people taking statins and patients who are on them should stop.” The researchers concluded that patients taking statins were more likely to accumulate calcium in their arteries, as statins block a molecule needed for the body to produce vitamin K, which prevents calcification of the arteries! (11)
WARFARIN, a powerful anticoagulant used to treat high blood pressure & arrhythmias was originally used as RAT POISON! if you have cardiac arrhythmia they prescribe coumadin, which causes rats to bleed out! If you have cardiac arrhythmias and you DO NOT take coumadin you have a 94% chance of NOT having a stroke!
US Doctors write 50 million scripts per year of USELESS thiazide DIURETICS to control BP, with 1 in 12 patients developed ADVERSE events! (12)
DIURETIC use was associated with a 68% increase in in-hospital mortality and a 77% increase in the odds of death or nonrecovery of renal function. (13)
Outside of an emergency, like left sided heart failure where the lungs can fill with fluid, there is no legitimate need for a diuretic drug to control blood pressure. The only way to reverse the underlying condition is through diet and lifestyle, not by masking the problem with a dangerous drug that NEVER addresses the root cause. Diuretics work by eliminating sodium from the kidneys to reduce blood volume. This causes the blood to lose water volume, not cells, so the blood can then become viscous, then you can be put on a deadly blood thinner which is total madness! They can also cause kidney damage and mineral imbalances, like low potassium which can instigate cardiac arrhythmias, heart attacks, and strokes, with deadly consequences. Doctors often prescribe diuretics to lower blood pressure. However, blood pressure is, of course, high for a reason, like to increase oxygen in the tissues! Getting to the root cause is the answer, not treating the symptoms creating more problems!
To correct the high blood pressure issue, it can be as simple as increasing MAGNESIUM, which over 80% of Americans are deficient in, and increasing potassium rich foods which most are also severely lacking. Additionally, it is important to get off the toxic iodized table salt, which is known to damage arteries (contains glass and sand) and increase blood pressure, as it only contains sodium and chloride. Sea salt can contain over 80 minerals in balance. It’s not about cutting out sodium, as it is crucial for pH balance, digestion, nervous system, and all cellular energy function. It’s about taking it in the right form of salt in balance with other minerals!
If It is estimated that around 30 adverse reactions take place for everyone that results in hospitalization, that means 81 million adverse reactions are experienced by the 170 million Americans taking synthetic drugs! (14)
Due to a toxic, corrupt, disease promoting commercial food industry, chemical companies, and SUPPRESSION of natural medicine, people have come to rely on unnecessary, harmful medicines to MASK their symptoms and manage their illnesses with NO cure available conventionally. The MAJORITY of synthetic drugs are a complete HOAX used to mask the symptoms of a condition. Many become SLAVES to these drugs, fearful to take them and fearful not to.
75% of people that have heart attacks have NORMAL cholesterol levels, yet the CDC recommends that 80 million in US should be taking statins! (15)
No one is deficient in pharmaceutical drugs! They are foreign chemicals that provide zero nourishment to body. There are very few exceptions where a drug may be necessary to survive. One being after an organ transplant, diuretics for like left sided heart failure (where the lungs can fill with fluid), antibiotics for serious bacterial infections, rare genetic predispositions, and medical emergencies of course. Pharmaceutical drugs continue to be USELESS when it comes to chronic disease!
Are you beginning to understand that sickness is a business, and the sicker people are the more MONEY they make?! Managing disease is far more profitable than curing it! Don’t expect to hear this TRUTH on TV, because the pharmaceutical Industry basically owns the media. These companies spend over 9 billion a year advertising their drugs! Conventional medicine makes NO money if you choose not to use their drugs to treat your disease or better your health. Every healthy person is one less customer for Big Pharma and allopathic medicine. Don’t be a victim of this BROKEN, corrupt system!
Natural therapies, foods, and high-quality supplementation assist the body in preventing and reversing disease WITHOUT dangerous side effects, addressing the ROOT cause of the condition! Start to question the system and take control of your health! Do some research, fill your home with natural whole foods, get some exercise, work with a nutritional coach, trainer, and/or naturopathic doctor to learn how to PREVENT disease and reverse conditions NATURALLY! The answers to overall health and wellness can ONLY be found in nature NEVER in synthetic chemicals! With that being said, if you are currently taking medication never stop taking it unless you are under a doctor’s supervision. If your doctor is not able to help you then seek the advice of a qualified naturopathic doctor.
1- Hoste EA, Kellum JA. Acute kidney injury: epidemiology and diagnostic criteria. Curr Opin Crit Care. 2006;12(6):531–537.
2- Bellomo R. The epidemiology of acute renal failure: 1975 versus 2005. Curr Opin Crit Care. 2006;12(6):557–560.
3- https://ethics.harvard.edu/blog/new-prescription-drugs-major-health-risk-few-offsetting-advantages
4- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25355584
5- Impicciatore P, Choonara I, Clarkson A, Provasi D, Pandolfini C, Bonati M. Incidence of adverse drug reactions in paediatric in/out-patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology Jul 2001; 52: 77 – 83.
6- https://gizmodo.com/twice-as-many-kids-are-hospitalized-for-opioid-overdose-1823516692
7- http://www.clevelandclinicmeded.com/medicalpubs/diseasemanagement/hepatology/acute-liver-failure/
8- https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/reyes-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20377255
9- http://abcnews.go.com/Health/bleeding-risks-outweigh-heart-benefits-aspirin-study/story?id=16501311
10- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1482362/
13- https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/195555
14- https://ethics.harvard.edu/blog/new-prescription-drugs-major-health-risk-few-offsetting-advantages
Miller MR, Elixhauser A, Zhan C. Patient safety events during pediatric hospitalizations. Pediatrics Jun 2003; 111: 1358 – 1366.