In the same family as chard and spinach, beets were first cultivated as far back as ancient Roman times in 800 BC. The earliest varieties of middle-ages beets were thinner black and white, unlike the roundish blood-red beets most commonly seen today. Not surprisingly, beets were originally prized for their leaves (not for the root), as the greens are the most nutrient dense part of the plant. Wild beets, known as ‘sea beets’ (because they grew on the ocean’s tide line), were actually mostly leaves with only a thin root.
The turnip-like root that we see today, although lighter in color, was introduced by Germany and Italy prior to the 16th century, and became a staple in the Eastern European diet. The deep red pigment was breed into the beet back in the 18th century.
Beets are well known for their high sucrose content. When Napoleon enforced a Europe-wide embargo against trade with Britain, he endorsed sugar beets as their primary source of sugar instead of sugarcane. Following the discovery that beets could be converted into sugar, the commercial worth of beets grew tremendously.
Did you know: To this day Russia produces over 15% of the world’s sugar beets, and 20% of all the sugar in the world comes from the sugar beet!
Beets are gaining a tremendous amount of popularity these days due to their profusion of health benefits. You may have heard of their high content of minerals and vitamins like A, B, and C, potassium, magnesium, and folate, but the nutritional resume of beets extends far beyond that!
In ancient Rome, like with many other cultures, beets have been touted for their aphrodisiac qualities. For one, beets are high in boron, a somewhat rare nutrient, which is known to elevate testosterone levels fairly significantly benefiting both males and females. Although they need a lot less, testosterone enhances mood, energy levels, and sex drive in females as well.
In addition, boron is known to decrease Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) which can bind a great deal of testosterone making it unavailable to the body.
Beets are nature’s Viagra! Beets naturally stimulate nitric oxide production as they are packed with significant levels of dietary nitrates. The result? Boosted oxygen levels, expanded blood vessels, and increased blood flow and circulation in the extremities, without the potentially high- risk side effects from the synthetic drug like blindness, loss of hearing, and yes even death!
In one study involving patients mostly under 65 with no previous cardiovascular risk factors, there were 522 deaths, most involving heart issues arising within 4-5 hours after taking 50 mgs of Viagra! (1)
Besides being high in vitamin C and polyphenols, beets are loaded with lesser known free radical fighting, anti-inflammatory, pH balancing antioxidants known as betalains, most notably betaine. When you plug betaine benefits in google scholar over 20,000 results come up. These POWERFUL anti-oxidants make beets an anti-aging superfood!
Authors of a 2015 pub med article concluded that “beetroot constituents, most notably the betalain pigments, display potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and chemo-preventive activity in vitro and in vivo.” One study found that a sufficient quantity of betaine could demonstrate anti-inflammatory effects that rival synthetic drugs. Another study showed that after 10 days of beetroot extract supplementation pro-inflammatory markers decreased from baseline by 8.3%–35% and 22%–28.3%, respectively. (2)
Betacyanin is another anti-oxidant found in beets providing powerful anti-cancer benefits. In conjunction with beet fiber, it can provide great protection against colon cancer and other forms of cancer as glutathione anti-oxidant enzymes are increased along with white blood cells that can detect and eradicate abnormal cells. It has been found that beet juice worked to prevent the formation of carcinogenic nitrosamines derived from synthetic nitrate preservatives like cured meats. Regardless, I still wouldn’t consume cured meats with synthetic nitrate preservatives!
This translates to IMMENSE potential in the prevention and therapeutic treatment of inflammatory acidic conditions like heart disease, diabetes, obesity, arthritis, liver and kidney disease, cancer, and almost all diseases as inflammation is the primary culprit.
Beets are very high in dietary fiber helping to keep you regular. The nitric oxide from beets relaxes intestinal muscles aiding in peristalsis, secreting excess mucus, and allowing for better nutrient absorption, preventing constipation, and keeping you regular, while helping to maintain critical intestinal pH balance.
Studies show that betaine, an organic compound found in beets, can SIGNIFICANTLY improve digestive function, more specifically in betaine HCL supplement form. In fact, betaine is often used to create betaine hydrochloride supplements found to increase hydrochloric acid levels often used in the treatment of hypochlorhydria or low stomach acid. (3)
This tremendous vegetable also helps to thin the bile considerably, allowing not only for ideal fat absorption but keeps toxins moving along and processed efficiently!
Betalain compounds help assist the phase 2 detoxification process allowing toxins and drug residues to be rendered less harmful and making them water soluble for proper elimination through the bowel and kidneys.
Besides folate, Trimethylglycine (TMG) is also a critical part of phase II liver detoxification. TMG supports methylation, a process that occurs in your body 1 billion times every second! Methylation is a vital metabolic process that helps control cellular energy production, neurotransmitter regulation, and detoxification.
Beets increase the body’s natural production of TMG, which is able to donate methyl groups allowing for more effective elimination of toxic substances like excess homocysteine, strongly associated with chronic inflammation, hardening of the arteries, and increased risk for stroke, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s. (4)
Beets are one of the best lymph cleansing foods available! The betalain containing red pigments in beets keep toxins flowing through the lymphatic system. Beets are great for thinning the bile and circulation, improving liver function, and thus allowing for more efficient drainage through the lymph system.
Resulting from the high nitrate content of beets, blood oxygen carrying capacity is increased, allowing for better oxygen preservation. Studies show aerobic and anaerobic thresholds are heightened enhancing exercise efficiency!
One study found that those who drank beet juice pre-workout were able to increase stamina and exercise up to 16 percent longer. (5)
Another 2014 study showed that beet juice allowed swimmers to hold their breath for longer while increasing their performance SIGNIFICANTLY. (6)
A 2012 study showed that trained divers could hold their breath an incredible 30 seconds longer when they drank beet juice prior to their dive. (7)
Once again, we see that nitric oxide production from beetroot prevails. The nitric oxide released from the endothelial lining relaxes and expands the arteries and blood vessels, increasing blood flow, as well as decreasing the growth of artery clogging plaque and preventing red blood cells from sticking together and forming dangerous clots.
A 2010 study carried out by Queen Mary’s University in London found that consuming just 8 oz. of beetroot juice a day dramatically lowered blood pressure for many hours! In a 2012 double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover study, researchers found that within a FEW HOURS, participants were able to lower systolic blood pressure by an average of 4-5 points after consuming 16 oz. of beet juice! (8) Beets assist in keeping cholesterol levels in check lowering triglycerides and increasing beneficial HDL cholesterol, which protects against developing heart disease. (9)
Researchers at the University of Maryland Medical Center found that betaine in beets helps the body metabolize homocysteine. High levels of homocysteine are known to cause blood vessel and arterial inflammation which can eventually lead to a heart attack or stroke. (10)
In addition to the numerous health benefits, beets are also found to improve blood flow to the brain! Increased oxygen levels not only support better cognition, memory, and focus but also have the potential to prevent the early onset of neurodegenerative diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s.
One study followed 40 healthy participants and found that they were able to perform better on cognitive tests just 90 minutes after consuming about 16 oz. of beetroot juice compared with placebo. (11) In a Wake Field University study, researchers examined MRI scans of older adults kept on a high nitrate diet and found increased blood flow to the brain’s white matter, parts of the brain often associated with dementia and other cognitive disorders. (12)
Did you know synthetic nitrates or nitrites used as preservatives in cured meats convert to carcinogenic nitrosamines, whereas the naturally occurring nitrates in vegetables are protected from this conversion by their vitamin C and E content!
Beets contain a substance called geosmin. This fresh soil scent can make beets a little too earthy for some. If beets are not your favorite, you can always add apple, cranberry, or pomegranate juice to offset the taste, so you can still enjoy their INCREDIBLE benefits! There are also beet supplements available (TMG- extracted from sugar beets).
Almost daily I consume a blended drink consisting of RAW beets, carrots, ginger, and lemon which provides an incredible amount of high antioxidant, enzyme rich, powerful, blood cleansing, pH balancing, anti-inflammatory nutrients with a sweet, spicy, tangy flavor!
Also, for those who find red beets to be too flavor intensive, the yellow or lighter colored beets can offer a milder substitute.
Beets can be enjoyed raw, pickled, roasted, and even made into a soup, like Borscht, a traditional soup from Ukraine.
http://discovermagazine.com/2006/nov/cover -methyl donor and epigenetics-beets
http://www.underwoodgardens.com/history-of-beets/ – also a few good recipes here that can be linked to the recipe section.
http://www.pbs.org/food/the-history-kitchen/history-beets/ -also has recipes
3- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16216219
4-McRae MP. Betaine supplementation decreases plasma homocysteine in healthy adult participants: a meta-analysis. Journal of Chiropractic Medicine. 2013;12(1):20-25.
5- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19661447
6- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3942720/
7- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22588047
9-Lidder S, Webb AJ. Vascular effects of dietary nitrate (as found in green leafy vegetables and beetroot) via the nitrate‐nitrite‐nitric oxide pathway. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 2013;75(3):677-696.
10- http://www.umm.edu/health/medical/altmed/supplement/betaine
11- http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/beet-juice-boosts-cognitive-function-one-dose
12- http://www.medicaldaily.com/beetroot-juice-halts-dementia-new-study-234255
The Encyclopedia Of Healing Foods by Michael Murray ND, Joseph Pizzorno ND, Lara Pizzorno MA, LMT